Background: In Indonesia exclusive breastfeeding in 2002 for infants of
less than 4 months was 55.1%, less than 6 months was 39.5% and between
6-9 months was 4.9% with median duration 1.6 months. This is far below
the standard determined by the Ministry of Health as much as 80%.
Objective: The objective of the study in general was to identify
duration determinant of breastfeeding and complementary feeding supply
to infants of less than 6 months; and in particular was to identify
relationship between familly structure, mothers' job and education with
breastfeeding and complementary feeding to infants of less than 6 months
in Indonesia. Method: This was an analytical research with cross
sectional design. It used data of Indonesian Demographic and Health
Survey 2002-2003. Samples were families having infants of 0-6 months
during the survey. Independent variables consisted of family structure,
mothers' job and education,
whereas dependent variable was breastfeeding
and complementary feeding supply to infants of less than 6 months in
Indonesia. Analysis used computer-based statistical program with
univariable, bivariable and survival life table analysis techniques.
Result: Survival life table analysis showed that the greatest difference
of breastfeeding supply cummulative incidence based on family structure
occured at age of 4-5 months old, extended family members (41.2%, CI
95% 0.01-0.12) compared to nucleus family (44.7%, CI 95% 0.40-0.48).
Greatest difference of breastfeeding supply cummulative incidence based
on mothers' job occured at age of 3-4 months old, mothers working in
agriculture sector had higher incidence (79.2%, CI 95% 0.71-0.85)
compared to mothers who did not work and who worked in non agriculture
sector. Greatest difference of breastfeeding supply cummulative
incidence based on mothers' education occured at age of 4-5 months,
mothers with high education had lower incidence (31.2%, CI 95%
0.17-0.46) compared to mothers with middle and low education.
Conclusion: Extended family structure in Indonesia were not support
factors for prolonged exclusive brestfeeding supply but mothers' job
farmer was support factor for exclusive breastfeeding supply and the
higher was mothers' education, the earlier was supply of complementary
feeding to infants of less than 6 months old in Indonesia.
Latar belakang, Di Indonesia tahun 2002 pemberian ASI saja sebagai
makanan utama bayi pada umur kurang 4 bulan 55,1 persen, usia dibawah 6
bulan 39,5 persen dan usia 6-9 bulan 4,9 persen, median durasi 1,6
bulan. Masih jauh dari standar yang ditetapkan Depkes R.I. sebesar 80
persen. Tujuan umum penelitian untuk mengetahui penentu durasi pemberian
ASI dan MPASI pada bayi usia kurang 6 bulan di Indonesia. Tujuan Khusus
ingin mengetahui hubungan antara struktur keluarga, pekerjaan dan
tingkat pendidikan ibu dengan pemberian ASI dan MPASI pada bayi usia
kurang 6 bulan di Indonesia. Metode penelitian analitik, rancangan cross
sectional dan menggunakan data Survey Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia
(SDKI) 2002-2003. Sampel keluarga yang mempunyai anak berusia antara 0 -
6 bulan saat survei. Variabel bebas adalah struktur keluarga, pekerjaan
dan pendidikan ibu, variabel terikat, pemberian ASI dan MPASI pada bayi
usia kurang 6 bulan di Indonesia. Analisis menggunakan program
statistik komputer dengan langkah-langkah: analisis univariabel,
bivariabel dan analisis survival life table. Hasil analisis survival
life table, perbedaan terbesar kumulatif insiden pemberian ASI menurut
struktur keluarga terjadi pada usia 4-5 bulan, keluarga batih lebih
rendah (41,2%, IK 95% 0,01-0,12) dibanding keluarga inti (44,7%, IK 95%
0,40-0,48). Perbedaan terbesar kumulatif insiden pemberian ASI menurut
perkerjaan ibu terjadi pada usia 3-4 bulan, ibu bekerja bidang pertanian
lebih tinggi (79,2%, IK 95% 0,71-0,85) dibanding ibu tidak bekerja dan
bekerja non pertanian. Perbedaan terbesar kumulatif insiden pemberian
ASI menurut pendidikan ibu terjadi pada usia 4-5 bulan, ibu tingkat
pendidikan tinggi lebih rendah (31,2%, IK 95% 0,17-0,46) dibanding ibu
pendidikan menengah ke bawah. Kesimpulan Struktur keluarga batih di
indonesia belum merupakan faktor pendukung, tetapi pekerjaan ibu bidang
pertanian merupakan faktor pendukung perpanjangan pemberian ASI sebagai
makanan utama bayi usia di bawah 6 bulan dan makin tinggi pendidikan ibu
makin dini pemberian MPASI pada bayi usia di bawah 6 bulan di