T his research was a imed to investigate, reveal, and analyze the c a u s
e s of low opportunies for daughters' education studied from parents'
perspective in The Lampung Pesisir community. Three villages, i.e.
Kedaton, Canggu, and Taji M alela, which constitute one custom unit of M
arga Legun, were chosen. Qualitative method was used in this research.
Data were collected through a p articipant observation technique, i.e.
by observing behavior pattern of parents for daughters, and depth
interview to obtain information related to their knowledge and attitute
toward daughter's education. The result of t his research shows that the
low opportunity f or d aughter's education was affected from their
parents' perception pattern whose implication constitute actions toward
the daughters' education. Such perception could be classified into two
groups. Firstly, giving opportunity for their daughters would waste t he
t ime and cost,
or the education is not the only way for success,
especially from material perspective. The opinion t hat w omen a re f
inally back to kitchen (domestic activities) is still e xisting among
the parents, and thus their education were not crucial. Seconly, the
daughters were allowed to access education world according to their
ability. Several factors would influence for the parents' perception,
i.e. local community's cultural system (concept of kepunyirnbangan a nd p
i-il), belief system, socialization process of parent based on age d
ifferent, parents' education, economic status, and relation to other
communities that a r e interdependently related to form parents'
perception pattern. Parents perception pattern dualism as t he result of
socialization process based on age different caused perception of old
group of p arents toward their daughter was n ot exclusively separated
from the inherently existing cultural values, that formal education
would make the daughters tend disobey their natural traits. The younger
group of parents tend to encourage their daughters' education, but when t
he economic status was u nfavorable, they w ill sacrifice their
daughters' education. The parent's education level and economic status
would influence their perception building. The parents with higher
education level w ould b etter appreciate the significance of their
daughter's education. I t was concluded that the forming of parents'
perception pattern toward their daughters' education was influenced by
the community's cultural values, belief system, socialization process of
p arent based on age d ifferent, education, economic status, and
relation to other
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan, mengungkapkan, dan
menganalisis penyebab rendahnya pendidikan a n a k perempuan yang dikaji
dari sudut persepsi orangtua pada masyarakat Lampung Pesisir. Desa y a n
g dipihh adalah tiga d esa y a n g merupakan s a t u kesatuan adat
Marga L egun yaitu Desa K edaton, Canggu,dan Taji Malela. M etode y a n g
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah m etode kualitatif. D a t a
dikumpulkan melalui teknik observasi partisipasi yaitu mengamati praktek
perilaku orangtua terhadap a n a k perempuan, dan wawancara mendalam
untuk mendapatkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan pengetahuan dan sikap
mereka terhadap pendidikan anak perempuan. H a d penelitian menunjukkan b
a h w a rendahnya pendidikan anak perempuan dipengaruhi oleh pola
persepsi orangtua yang implikasinya berupa tindakan terhadap pendidikan a
n a k perempuan. Berdasarkan pola persepsi orangtua tersebut, m a k a
persepsi orangtua dapat diklasifikasikan atas d u a pola. Pertama,
memberikan pendidikan k e j enjang yang lebih tinggi bagi a n a k
perempuan, hanya menghabiskan waktu dan biaya, ataupun pandangan bahwa
pendidikan bukan satu-satunya jalan untuk sukses, apalagi jika s ukses d
h h a t dari aspek materi. Pandangan tentang perempuan yang tetap ke d
apur (kegiatan domestik), masih terdapat pada sebagian orangtua,
akibatnya pendidikan bagi a n a k perempuan bukan h al y ang dianggap
penting. Kedua, a n a k perempuan berhak memperoleh dan melanjutkan
pendidikannya sesuai kemampuan si a n a k . Ada beberapa faktor yang
mempengaruhi pola persepsi orangtua terhadap pendidikan anak perempuan
yaitu: sistem n ilai b udaya masyarakat setem pat ( Konsep
Kepunyimbangun d an konsep p i-iZ), s istem kepercayaan, sosialisasi
orangtua, pendidikan orangtua, kondisi ekonomi, dan hubungan dengan
masyarakat lain yang saling terkait satu sama l ain dalam mempengaruhi
pola persepsi orangtua. Adanya dualisme pandangan orangtua sebagai hasil
d ari proses sosiahsasinya berdasarkan perbedaan usia, menyebabkan pola
persepsi orangtua yang berusia t u a terhadap pendidikan a n a k
perempuan tidak terlepas d ari nilai budaya y a n g masih melekat pada
dirinya, bahwa pendidikan formal membuat anak perempuan cenderung
melupakan kewajibannya sesuai dengan kodratnya. Adapun orangtua y a n g
berusia muda cenderung mendukung pendidikan a n a k perempuan, namun
jika k eadaan ekonomi tidak memungkinkan, mereka tetap mengorbankan
pendidikan a n a k perempuan. Tingkat pendidikan dan ekonomi orangtua
juga berpengaruh d alam p embentukan pola persepsi orangtua, karena
orangtua y a n g berpendidikan lebih memahami a rti