ABSTRACT: DOWNLOAD KLIK DISINI Waif problem some area in Indonesia, becoming serious problem. Inclusive
of in Acheh, waif in Acheh which is resulted from tsunami that happened at on date
of 26 December 2004. But after tsunamis of waif existence become the attention
from some Self-Supporting Institute of Society (NGO), especially NGO which is
active in child enable ness. One of them is PKBM Putri Gina putting serious
attention to waif existence. Waif handling conducted by this PKBM Putri Gina use
the concept of education nonformal which its target to be powered waif and can fill
the medial employment of society. Existence And activity of PKBM Putri Gina in
giving waif education in Big Acheh area and Town of Banda Acheh, becoming to
draw for writer to see the role institute the education of non-formal society in waif
handling in realizing waif education. In this research is writer see in the PKBM Putri
Gina role of all this waif activist and waif willingness learn this PKBM is good
process and own the positive influence to be powered waif assumed of no use by
some of society.